Hello everyone,

Red, being my most worn and favorite color this season, even my thoughts have turned red hahaha ( I don't know what that really means), but I'm most definitely obsessed with wearing this hue. It's the kind of color that immediately catches your attention just the way the bull is drawn to the vivid red cape in a bullfight. It's FASCINATING, POWERFUL, making a woman feel confident enough to reach for the sky and even higher. If you're lacking red pieces in your closet, believe me, start stacking them one by one! 😂 It might not change your outlook on life, but it'll give you the courage to step into the light!!! 

I believe the colors we choose to wear can for sure influence our mood or portray what we're already feeling inside. There aren't any bad colors, it's just that I think our subconsciousness has a funny way of picking what color to wear on a certain day. Have you thought about that? What color do you reach for when feeling excited, looking forward to something new and what color do you reach for when you're sad, not wanting to go out or have lots on your mind? 

I'm very easily drawn to lots of bright colors, but occasionally during the winter I wear blacks, grays and browns, just because I like having that balance and I feel as though winter is the time to experiment with something new, away from my usual. 

So if you're just beginning to fall in love with red or are a longtime professional, I've got three head-turner ways for you to try it out!!!

Now imagine yourself in head to toe red! If you're thinking ohh WOW so sexy, I love it... then MONOCHROMATIC is the way to go. You'll look and feel fearless wearing it! Plus, I don't think you'll ever care what others think of your choice just because you're in the zone, loving the power of red. Go For It! Be the stoplight at every corner!  

This goes with my previous post, but I have to mention it again because it's so important. Be yourself, wear what YOU love and give power only to the positive feedback or words you receive. I'm sure you'll inspire others to try a whole red look, without you knowing. Don't think twice if you want to let this shade make your statement. 

I love wearing a monochromatic red outfit as it's the opposite of dull and boring. It's everything I want to be - free, loving, confident... 💓

Shop My Red Sets:

 If you're new to experimenting with the color red, start small by adding RED ACCESSORIES to get you used to this idea. Once you've conquered that, without a doubt you'll be ready to wear a full on red outfit. 

I love adding the smallest touches of red like a bright nail polish or my favorite red lipstick. Also, a cute handbag or sunglasses will do the magic as well by adding the perfect pop of color to your summer style. There are so many ways to play with this color; you can easily adapt to the the one that fits your lifestyle the most! 

Shop My Red Accessories:
Another way to bring red into your life is by choosing one of your favorite red pieces and styling your look around it. Make that piece your MAIN ATTRACTION with everything else blending in. For example, I have my trusted red patent skirt that I love to wear as the only statement by adding white or black pieces to make it stand out even more. This way you've got a killer red pop!

You can go for red trousers, a crop top... basically any item you've got! Play with it and let it lead you to a hot summer day. I know the temperatures will rise as you step outside!

Shop My Red Pieces:
~ I get commission from purchases or clicks made through the links in this post. 
~ Photography: @artisticspring 
~ Follow Me:   IG: @fashionradi        Twitter: @fashionradi       Pinterest: FashionRadi

So how will you be wearing red? All out or starting little by little? 
I hope that if you've been hesitant to trying out red, this post helps you end that feeling and gives you the courage to go for this powerful and eye-catching color. Get RED-Y to shine!!! 

                                                                                                                                   Love, Radi              


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