
Showing posts from March, 2016


Hello everyone, This week, I'm happily back with a different kind of post!  One that will be fun because it'll reveal more about me (the BIG personality behind FashionRadi ) and it'll give the chance for us bloggers/readers to connect and continue our strong bond. So sit back, relax and enjoy reading my answers to these 10 life changing questions.    Before I start, I want to thank Vildana for nominating me for the Liebster Award . For her continue d support and friendship. You can have a look at her wonderful blog here:  Living Like V!    Let's get on with the questions!  1. What is your biggest fear? I have a few fears like being afraid of snakes (even thought once I lightly touched one) and a fear of not knowing what the future will bring (how my life will unfold and what path will I walk). But other than that, I'm working on being FEARLESS, so soon expect me to take a photo with a snake around my neck! hahahaha Not that soon, but eventually it...


Hello everyone, Spring is here ! N ow that Easter is this weekend, no doubt about it, I wanted to create an Easter look that's sunny, fun and hopefully inspiring to you. If you haven't decided yet, what to wear for the family celebration, I hope this post gives you some ideas or brings you joy in some way! Let me know in the comments, which one it was for you...  When I think of Easter , the first things that come to mind are happy colors like yellow, cute dresses, jewelry and last, but not least family, fun and good food. hahahhah  With that in mind I knew I had to get my yellow spring dress out of the closet and show it some sunlight. I haven't worn it in a while, but that will change pretty fast now that the weather is dress friendly . :)  I was incredibly happy to wear it, twirl in it, smile in get the point, that I cannot wait to celebrate Easter in it . I love it! The color, the rainbow belt that cinches at the waist and the way it flares are all thin...


Hello everyone, Welcome to the desert!   Side note : Grab an iced glass of water because it's going to be extra hot :) Not only that but, it's going to be colorful, scenic, pure fun and all in celebration of the arrival of spring. Who's excited for spring?  I'm thrilled because during this season the weather is the best in Vegas ; you can sunbathe, but still breathe (unlike the summer days). Also, as a spring born baby, I find it hard to love any other season as much as this one. The smell of the flowers, the chirping of birds, the blossomed trees, the blue skies, the green grass, the sunshine..... it all gets to me and makes me extra happy. What's your favorite thing about spring? And are you ready to bloom in the Nevada desert with me? If you're wondering how that's going to happen, all I'm going to say is that it's possible (I'll show you the way). One thing required to bloom al l day is something floral. To me spring w ithout flowers is ...


Hello everyone,  Happy as could be, I'm back to continue this series of h ow to s tyle a ccording to your body shape! It's easier than you think . W ith my tips and tricks in mind, you'll be your own personal stylist in no time . Ju st remember, w hen choosing what pieces to wear, make sure they accentuate the parts of your body that you love and hide t hose that you want to keep to yourself. Mostly have fun and be yourself !   Today I'm going to cover the apple-shaped woman ! (Round and tasty!) If you've missed the first post of this series, which was all about the pear-shaped wo man , make sure you che ck it ou t: HERE! (Hopefully it'll change your life in the best way possible!)  Take out a pen and paper, to jot it all down and ........... Let's Get Started!  Artist :     Instagram : @Danielaelalife    Twitter : @Danielablagoeva  This above is an illustration of what exactly a n apple-sha p ed woman looks lik...